Archive for slack

Juj, Juj, who the fu*k is Juj..?

Posted in ambient, electronic, hip hop, Los Angeles, music, new finds, Uncategorized with tags , , , , on November 4, 2011 by oscarmassivehands

Juj, pronounced jooooj/jewj/joodge, is an electronic music producer hailing from the deep pools of talent that are Los Angeles (or ‘whales vagina’ in the words of good old Ron Burgandy). He is one of the co-founders of the Wedidit Collective which includes such great artists as Shlohmo and Elan, and is currently signed to HW&W Recordings.

LA pretty much supplies most of the soundtrack to my life, producing none other than the Brainfeeder crew (including Flying Lotus, Lorn, Samiyam and Tokimonsta) and this ‘bad boi’ is no different. Bouncy and full of character the tracks are short but so catchy they make ya head nod on impulse!

Make sure you check out the album ‘Slack’ as there are some fantastic tracks to be consumed, mulled over and swallowed.

Juj Slack album cover

Here is a little taster from his album, two tracks for your eardrums.

Sunday Bouncer

Insomnia (Sunrise)